Connector Series 2022


With the numerous events of change and disruption to container shipping services to and from New Zealand we would like to keep you updated about ongoing developments.

Our quarterly Connector Series aims at keeping you informed about the dynamics of global container shipping, which drivers impact the transportation of goods around the world and how this affects the connection of New Zealand to the global markets.

In this edition of our Connector Series we cover:

New Zealand

Macroeconomics, supply and demand

Container Freight Rates


To refer to earlier versions of our Connector, you can find our recent editions here.

Also, we would like to keep you updated on operational events in our weekly Customer Updates. You can find them here and if you have not yet, we invite you to subscribe here to receive these each week.

While we endeavour to ensure the information we provide in our Connector Series is always correct at time of publication, due to the multiple influences and parties involved the situation is always subject to change.

If you have any further questions or would like to provide feedback, we are always happy to hear from you.



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